How to Watch?

Please follow these steps to Watch Movies & TV Series

Step 1: Search the title of a Movie or Series in the Search Bar.

Step 2: Select a Movie or Series you want to watch.

Step 3: Click on the Play button 2-3 times until the video start streaming.

Note: We are adding onsite Video Player on new posts, if you have found a player on the current page then you don’t have to open any other links.

Please follow these steps if the onsite player does not exist.

Step 4: Scroll Down and Choose any Link From “Movie Links/Episode Links” column.

For Example, you choose “ViDPlayer” from the Host Server column, after Clicking on “Click to Play”, a new tab will open from the ViDPlayer video hosting site.

Step 5: Click on the play button 2-3 times until the video starts streaming, Additionally, if there are Ads on the page then click “x” or “close” to temporarily disable ads.

If a Link Doesn’t Work, Select any other link from the “Host Server” column.

Please follow these steps to Download Movies & TV Series

Please look for a Download Link under the “Movie Links/Episode Links” table.

Note: We try our best to provide a download link for each movie and tv-series, if you are unable to find a download link then please leave a comment and we will try to add the download link asap.

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