Request a Movie

Hello everyone, if a movie or tv-series is not available on 123movieshub you can request it here, we will try to add it as soon as possible.

Please search the site before making a request.
Don’t ask for HD print of a movie, your comment will be ultimately ignored.

Please provide the following details if possible:

Movie name:
Movie releasing year:

Add your Requests in the comment box below, we will try to add it if possible.
Good Luck.

34,230 comments on “Request a Movie

  1. Can you guys upload the 2nd Annie movies? Please, I already watched the 1st and 3rd movie of Annie except the second. Please and thank you, you guys are a life saver!

    Annie: A Royal Adventure!

  2. please add legacies: season 4. It is rumored that it might not have more than 9 episodes so please please please add it as I am and hopefully others are too, curious about what happens next!

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